Thursday, March 17, 2011

Jennifer's Fifth

(please click on image to enlarge)

Yes, it's been 5 years.

Time has flown by. Junior our baby is now a teenager (well, not in age). I am a forty-something person living through mid-life crisis (yes, the Porsche is on the way). I am in a committed relationship with a young (well, not-so-young) but definitely hot chick.

One thing though remains.

We continue to carry Jennifer in our hearts. Not in a burdensome way. Not that we have not let go. Not that we are un-accepting of her passing. But more as an inspiration. As a swift kick in the a$$ when we need to get things done (she was always the champion of getting things done).

Five years is a milestone. For me it is as if I have internalized the best parts of our time together and allow that to eclipse the pain of the loss.

Sure, there are moments when we get emotional. Like last weekend when we visited her final resting place in Penang. The tears flowed but this time the pain was absent.

Five years. Often times the worst five of my life, but also the five most amazing in anyone's lifetime.

The ad above appears in today's edition of The Star. If Jennifer were here she would totally be into Bruno Mars (she was always very current with her music). I wanted to share more pictures of Jennifer and was inspired to do it in a filmstrip. Then I played around and the "V" came naturally. For the sharper ones amongst us, "V" is the Roman numeral for 5 -- aha.

For Jennifer's friends who saw the ad and landed here, please leave a comment. If you did not know her, please spend some time here and on her blog. Jennifer was such a remarkable person -- until now I continue to get anecdotes and really wonderful memories of how she touched so many people from those who knew her.

So love, happy fifth birthday in heaven -- I'm sure they have Bruno Mars playing on some mystical CD up there too... enjoy.

We love you then, we love you now, you will remain forever in the hearts of your two Michaels.

Requiescat In Pace Et Lux Perpetua Luceat Ei

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Sleepless in KayEl, 2011 Edition

It's 5 hours into the new year... and not a creature is stirring, not even a mouse...

I often attribute my sleeplessness to the fact that I have so much on my mind that I just can't shut off -- ideas, things to do, people to see, friends I would love to catch up with.

But mostly it's an excuse to stay up more than the requisite 16hours :)

Whatever the case may be, with each passing year I am inspired anew to do more with my life, to live it to its fullest as I promised Jennifer oh-so-long ago. So in this new year I resolve to do just that.

2010 has been very good to me. And I know that 2011 will be better!

God bless and yes, we all made it didn't we? If you believe it, this is our last year, so let's all LIVE it well!