Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Love!

Today Jennifer would've been 41.

She was never one for birthdays, that is, until we started dating. I remember the first ever birthday present(s) I gave her. It was a bouquet of roses, with a cryptic note because we had just started dating and did not want the lady boss to know (Jennifer and I were colleagues then). And "The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Internet" (it was 1997, so it was a useful book!)

Since that first birthday we spent together oh-so-long ago, we made it a point to celebrate all our birthdays. And what fun we had. It was often a series of mini-celebrations: from the romantic escapades for just the two of us to the many makan sessions with family and friends...

Jennifer's last birthday party was a surprise do I planned at Penang Mari, then our favourite haunt. I got all her family, best friends, and church buddies to gather and then we surprised her, with Jr being the main star who said he needed to use the little boys' room upstairs where everyone was waiting!

Such fun, such joy, such an overpowering show of love...

Happy birthday angel!
I'm sure they celebrate birthdays in heaven as well, surrounded by loved ones who have gone before us...

We miss you today especially much, but because of our love for you in our hearts, we celebrate you... and your new life!

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